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Performance Better Built

  • I want to give a big thank you to Paige Devine for the time and effort she has put into my nutrition and macros the past couple months.

    The first picture is Nov 4 at 253# and 12% BF. The second picture is Dec 11 at 244# and 9.6% BF (by far the leanest I have ever been) since then I’m down another 4.5# and just a couple pounds away from my target weight.

    You’re probably wondering why I would pay someone to write my macros when that’s what I do for a living? For me it’s good to have someone else with an outside perspective programming me for me. Same reason I have Jesse Jobe do my strength programming. BUT I’ve found it also keeps me much more accountable when I have someone to report to. Especially when prepping for a big competition that requires a weight cut.

    Thanks Paige!
    -Jake Harre

  • Hi my name is Megan Childs and I’m a senior on the Iowa state swim team! One significant component of our team’s training that has helped me become a better athlete is the strength and conditioning.

    Paige Maurer was my strength and conditioning trainer for the first two years on the Iowa State swim team. Coming in as a freshman, I had very little prior experience in the weight room, especially Olympic lifts.

    Luckily, Paige was the student trainer for our team and helped me immensely. She was an incredible trainer teaching me the proper form and how to get the most out of each lift.

    Paige was helpful day in and day out giving me tips and holding me accountable in every workout. Her enthusiasm for strength and conditioning made me excited to work hard every lift.

    Paige was so impactful on my athletic career. I’m so excited she has continued training and working with athletes because I know she will impact so many other athletes helping them reach their goals and reach that elite level.”

  • “Shortly after turning 65 last year in January, I began experiencing excruciating pain from a herniated disk. Over the next several months, at the advice of my family physician, I began working with a physical therapist. My PT regimen was insufficient to alleviate the pain, so I was referred to a pain management physician, who gave me a cortisone shot in the hope that it would reduce the pain to an extent I could avoid back surgery. During this period, I also met with a back surgeon, just in case neither the cortisone nor the PT worked. Then I met Paige. She has been working with me for about a year now and I can happily report my pain is gone. The nature of my herniated disk, however, requires that I have a regular strength training program or, with near certainty, my back pain will return. Clearly, Paige knows how to work with people who have my condition; but what I am especially grateful for is how her empathy, personal attention, and encouragement motivate me to get stronger and lead a more active life than I ever have.”- Jean Grapentine
  • I have been working with Paige since January and even made it through training on Zoom during the pandemic shut-down. However now heading into hip replacement shortly after rehabbing from a total reverse shoulder replacement, I realized I needed to up my game on strength training and nutritional help.

    Even though this seemed daunting, Paige’s guidance and reassurance has made this possible. When I give her that “I really can’t do that” look, she helps me to move forward. Also, she has made me realize that numbers on a scale, do not tell the whole story … reducing body fat, gaining muscle and losing inches has made me realize these successes are beyond the scale! As I head into hip replacement, I know that Paige will be there with her positivity, once again guiding me, making me feel “you can do that”! A big thanks!

    -Jo Hanselman

  • “After about six-months of working with Paige to increase my running speed and endurance, I had a PR at the Whistle Stop half-marathon, in Ashland, WI. I started running competitively when I was 50, and since then had run about 10 half-marathons, with times ranging from 2 hours to 2.5 hours. But, that October saw me running the “half” in 1 hour and 53 minutes—a PR at the age of 67! I feel lucky to have Paige as my strength coach. Her educational background, collegiate strength coaching experiences, and the personalized program she has designed for me makes her uniquely qualified to work with me as a runner, cyclocross racer, and 3x Ironman finisher.” – Terry Grapentine
  • “Weight loss isn’t easy. It requires a lot of discipline, goal setting, and information backed by science in a world filled with fad diets. At first, I wasn’t thrilled about hiring a coach. I was embarrassed, I had too much pride and I thought I knew it all. I had a hard time handing over the reigns from spending so much time in the industry myself but the fact of the matter is, I wasn’t happy with how I looked so it was time for a change. That’s where Paige came in to play.
    Working with Paige has been the most humbling yet rewarding decision I have made. She has helped me regain my confidence, reduce my anxiety, and has taught me some very valuable lessons along the way. Weight loss doesn’t happen unless you put in the work. Paige pushes me and motivates me to put in the work every single day. Not just by telling me what to do and when to do it, but by holding herself accountable as well.
    There are so many coaches who don’t practice what they preach and she is the epitome of faith, hard-work, and discipline. In conclusion, hiring Paige was the best decision I’ve made this year and I look forward to crushing all of my goals and pushing myself to new limits. I know I can accomplish anything with Paige Devine in my corner. Stay hard.” – Austen Knowlton